PIR board/panel insulation PIRBLOCK AL

PIR board/panel insulation PIRBLOCK AL consists of an insulating core of rigid PIR foam (Polyisocyanurate). Both sides of the board are protected by an airtight layer (aluminium, paper and polyethylene).

  • coefficient of thermal conductivity λ=0.022 (W/mK)
  • volumetric weight: 30±2 kg/m3
  • reaction to fire E
  • Maximum compressive stress ≥ 130 kPa at 10% depressurization

Quantity: 1 pc

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Starting at 7.00 €
excluding shipping cost

Technical data:

Kind of core Rigid polyisocyanurate foam(PIR)
Type of facing covered on two sides with a gas-tight aluminum foil with a thickness of approximately 50 μm
Density kg / m3 30±2
Water vapor diffusion resistance (EN 1607) Z [m2hPa/mg] 13±3
Compressive Strength (characteristics)
Value determined at 10% deformation CS (10/Y) 130
[kPa] ≥120 <150
Tensile strength (EN 1607) [KPa] ≥ 80
Euroclass fire reaction rating
(EN 13501-1) (EN 11925-2) (EN 13823SBI)
Euroclass E
Thermal conductivity (EN 12667)
Value determined at 10 °C
λ [W/mK] 0,0224
Board thickness [mm] 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 150
Heat transfer coefficient U [W/m2K] 0.74 0.56 0.44 0.37 0.28 0.22 0.18 0.14
Thermal resistance R [m2K/W] 1.33 1.78 2.23 2.67 3.57 4.46 5.35 6.69
Standard board dimensions [mm] 600 x 1200; 1200 x 1200; 1200 x 2400
Modular dimensions (coverage) [mm] FIT 600 x 1200; 1200 x 1200; 1200 x 2400
LAP 585 x 1185; 1185 x 1185; 1185 x 2385
TAG 590 x 1190; 1190 x 1190; 1190 x 2390
Joint types Types FIT - flat milling, LAP - stepwise milling, TAG - tongue and groove


  • Basement walls and foundation walls
  • Floor insulation
  • Attic and ceiling insulation
  • external and internal walls
  • Flat roof and terrace insulation
  • Isolation of a pitched roof under-rafter and over-rafter system